Monday, July 27, 2009

!7 minutes

Busy Busy...Report + assignment + correction.......

Johnta Austin new song-!7 minutes.....this song make me feel that my life left !7 minutes......what will i do? LOLx
So if you realy left !7 minutes what will you do? be with your beloved?

Now i don't know what will i do if !7 minutes left but maybe when the time is come....i will use 2 minutes to post it on blog^^ and 15 minutes to do the thing.....haha

Lots of people fail in the Maths 4 mid term test......who fail had to do correction... friend had to do 45 sets
45 sets......OMG How he to copy ?

2009 2nd PC fair is coming ........4 day left.
Hope this coming PC fair my angle will show up^^

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