Briefly wrote what happen on 11-7-2010
I bring few of my friend too......
Outside the hall....their are lots of Pretty Girl....but most of them unavailable...a bodyguard stand beside them...
It was Great and Funny and Surprise..... The BROADWAY Show was interesting...the story was nice......Jo, KLoon, Jade, Kiyo and all the committee....U all done a GREAT JOB.
Beside spacial guest perform on stage too....
This Oo nite give me the feeling like having a SHOW not a bored Beauty Competition. All the finalist perform so well....they can act, sing and dance. MC Shaun and MC (Don't know his name)...both of them so great...I like their DANCE Battle.....
Thanks Phraveen Arikiah he act ROXY on that nite....ROXY is a shemale character....For those who really go for this Oo-Nite will understand how funny was him/her......
We had dinner at TBR at 11.00pm.....order a lot of food almost can't finish...
Photo Tittle: Oo Finalist and MC

M1 M2

Finalist Cat Walk

Photo Tittle: FRIENDS
Why i don't have face expression ??? (Am i look SHY?)
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