Cielo same meaning as Sky.
Sky.....Cielo.......Sky.......Cielo....same meaning but different feeling while pronounce it.
Why i will choose the name Sky as my nick name? Lots of my friend ask me the same question.
On the spot i answer them ( I like freedom, the sky look freedom..so i choose the name sky)
Sometime i feel SKY this name not suitable for me.
My last name is Joon. Y don't use John? Maybe Albert Lim?
SKY.....for me....i just feel like it...no any reason. Maybe it just sut me....
I like to look to the sky while feel Emo, unhappy and hopeless. It will make me feel comfortable and bring me back (motivation)
Night, looking at the sky, it was so DARK but the moon and star still bring the light on.
It tells me, no matter how Dark infront of me, there are still lots of lights that show me and lead me to the bright side.